olafur eliasson
olafur has worked with change of materiality in a wide range of his art pieces. one of them is his twenty year long art series /the glacier melt series/ (1999.2019)
/ sonoscope

Projector of audio wavescapes
every glacier lost reflects our inaction. every glacier saved will be a testament to the action taken in the face of the climate emergency. one day, instead of mourning the loss of more glaciers, we must be able to celebrate their survival.

olafur eliasson
here's a link to the glacier melt series website.
this is another of eliasson's work related to ice and it's materiality change. this one's named /ice watch london/ and here's the link to this project's main information
studio ricky van broekhoven
/ 60 medical infusion sets, water, fire, metal sheets

hugo fortes
In this aquarium series, Hugo Fortes creates landscapes, in which floatation and time passage are the main characteristics . The organic forms, made of paraffin, float and give the impression of lightness and elevation.
/ aquarium
